Gemstone Friends!
I have three brothers. Two are older and one is my twin. Because of age, distance and circumstances, my older brothers and I are not close. My twin brother, well we have been accused of sharing a brain. I don't know if it's the twin effect or just the fact we have always been together, even in our mothers womb. I always wanted a sister, a little bit older, wiser and experienced so we could share our secrets, desires, hopes. The kind of thing Hollywood portrayed in the 50's girl movies. Most of my friends had a sister, of that, I was so envious! Truth be told, most of them thought their sister was bossy, nosey and a royal pain in their derriere. It didn't matter to me, they had a sister ! Age and maturity helped me to realize I was never going to have one, and, I didn't think my twin brother wanted to dress in frilly pajamas, hair in rollers, painting each others nails, laughing and telling secrets long into the night. Friends were my next best solution. Over the years, I have called a few people a friend. I never really had many friends growing up, I was painfully shy and most people didn't want to take the time or energy to break through that shell of silence. When I call someone a friend then that is a compliment. I don't use it unless I mean it. It's kind of like the word "love" to me, its sacred. I believe people use the phrase "friend" way too much. I have acquaintances that I see and talk to, but friends...that is something different all together! Friends to me are like jewels. My best friend is Char, she is the Diamond in my group of friends, the standard by which others are measured. We have been friends since we were 14 years old! She is loud, likes to swear, will give you her honest opinion even if it hurts. She is a fantastic baker and my family loves her banana bread! She is generous and giving and I love her with all my heart. When we are together our bellies hurt from laughing! Then there is Shelley, my beautiful blue Sapphire! We have been friends for 17 years, we met through our sons being childhood buddies. She is the most intelligent person I know, witty, and like Char can swear like a trucker! She is honest and kind and the most genuine woman I have ever been blessed to know, I love her more than words can say, there isn't a strong enough word in the English language to describe my love for her! Then there's Leanne, my Pearl. Warm, and kind, with a personality that is luminous! Guess what, she likes to swear too...I'm sensing a pattern. She is CRAZY! Nothing embarrasses her, nothing! She will honk at a man on the street while she is driving and when he looks, she ducks! Then she cackles like crazy! Lisa is my newest friend, but not to be discounted! She is my Emerald! She is bright, and her personality shines! She can play poker like nobody I know, and win! Generous to a fault, and kindhearted! My friends, my sisters, my family! They are all different and I love and appreciate each one for what they bring to my life. Together, we make up a treasure chest of gems, and the way I see it, they are PRICELESS!
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