Un-politically Correct

     When I was a child we were taught manners, not just some of us but the majority of children were taught to say please and thank you, give up their seat for an older person, hold the door, well, you get the picture.  There were things that were acceptable, things that were deplorable and things that earned you a "lickin"and not the lollipop kind. We knew what we could do or say and not just at home.  If we were out in  the neighborhood or at school and we did  something bad we would get punished then AND when we returned home.  That was as certain as 2+2=4.  We never doubted it.  At Christmas we said Merry Christmas, we knew what restroom to use, we addressed anyone older than 20 as Miss, Mrs or Mr.  We played outside for hours, rode our bikes with no helmets and we drank water from the kitchen tap.  Our TV was 24" wide and it was black and white (well mine was until I was 15), and we had 12 channels that ended every night at midnight with the national anthem.  Our phone hung on the kitchen wall and when someone called we never knew who was on the other end.  That was our life and it was good.  Today, in 2016, we are so concerned about being offensive or politically correct that we say Happy Holidays, we can't pray in schools or in public, and, students take guns to school and kill people.  More money has been spent on non-bullying campaigns than ever before but the youth suicide rate has grown exponentially.   Our food is filled with GMO's and there are more shelves in our grocery stores, with more processed food than fresh food.  Everyone has a cell phone, I Pad, I Pod, and cash is no longer king.  The media pushes violent, and sexually immoral songs performed by strung out, singers who burn out by 30.  We are  living in the digital age, and, when the power goes out people near hysteria because they are unplugged.  The fine art of conversation is gone or at least kept for special occasions, while our fingers text 100 words a minute.  Some of my fondest memories occurred during a power outage and we played games by flashlight, or told stories long into the night.  We live our life in fear of everything.  So, here is to be UN -POLITICALLY  CORRECT!  May you offend the masses and be free!  Yell Merry Christmas, pray or don't, but do it because you want to!  Blessings to everyone.


  1. Oh,too be young again? Those WERE the days right. Thanks for a short trip down memory lane sis-in-law, great blog, abit short, but I like it!


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