Would you like chocolate with your wrinkles ?
A soundless sigh of yet another Mother's Day come and gone. You have survived. No flowers on the kitchen table or hanging on the front porch, no mind blowing sex, but then again you weren't looking for that anyway so that's a gift in itself! No scented candles burning softly on the mantle, but, alas, there is chocolate!
Oh chocolate, that lovely confectionary of sweet, and creamy yum filling your mouth, titillating your senses with it's euphoric, almost orgasmic delight. Hey, some of my friends have told me they would rather consume chocolate then engage in sex any day! I'm not sure if that speaks to the quality of their chocolate or their husbands inability to keep "up" in the bedroom. As for me, well my honeybun is better than chocolate and there's no extra calories! That being said, chocolate for us women, whether you are 4 or 104 is just a given. Someone once said "the only certain things in life were death and taxes". Not sure who quoted this but I am quite certain it wasn't a woman!
I believe the love/need for chocolate for most women ranks fairly high. I myself enjoy a Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothie, or even a Wunderbar, I can't help myself really. However, unlike some of my friends of the female persuasion chocolate is not the be all end all of my happy existence.
Now, if it could be applied topically to our face as a wrinkle cream then that would be another story. Imagine if you will; your regular bedtime routine of washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. If chocolate could be made into a facial cream, to fight aging and a wrinkle remove as well....well imagine the possibilities. I can hear an echo of a stringed orchestra mixed with a chorus of heavy breathing in my mind. It's too beautiful for the human psyche. B But, chocolate is not a fine wrinkle remover, it can never be. Let's face it we would have women all over the world licking each other's faces! Anarchy and chaos would ensue and, to men everywhere, their fantasies would become reality! Erotica, list in its purest form.
So ladies, chocolate will continue to be our go to treat when we are sad, happy, to celebrate....being a woman. Chocolate fills a deep rudimentary need to be loved and accepted.
On this sweet note ladies, I am wishing you all a happy Monday and may your dreams be smothered in chocolate!
Oh chocolate, that lovely confectionary of sweet, and creamy yum filling your mouth, titillating your senses with it's euphoric, almost orgasmic delight. Hey, some of my friends have told me they would rather consume chocolate then engage in sex any day! I'm not sure if that speaks to the quality of their chocolate or their husbands inability to keep "up" in the bedroom. As for me, well my honeybun is better than chocolate and there's no extra calories! That being said, chocolate for us women, whether you are 4 or 104 is just a given. Someone once said "the only certain things in life were death and taxes". Not sure who quoted this but I am quite certain it wasn't a woman!
I believe the love/need for chocolate for most women ranks fairly high. I myself enjoy a Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothie, or even a Wunderbar, I can't help myself really. However, unlike some of my friends of the female persuasion chocolate is not the be all end all of my happy existence.
Now, if it could be applied topically to our face as a wrinkle cream then that would be another story. Imagine if you will; your regular bedtime routine of washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. If chocolate could be made into a facial cream, to fight aging and a wrinkle remove as well....well imagine the possibilities. I can hear an echo of a stringed orchestra mixed with a chorus of heavy breathing in my mind. It's too beautiful for the human psyche. B But, chocolate is not a fine wrinkle remover, it can never be. Let's face it we would have women all over the world licking each other's faces! Anarchy and chaos would ensue and, to men everywhere, their fantasies would become reality! Erotica, list in its purest form.
So ladies, chocolate will continue to be our go to treat when we are sad, happy, to celebrate....being a woman. Chocolate fills a deep rudimentary need to be loved and accepted.
On this sweet note ladies, I am wishing you all a happy Monday and may your dreams be smothered in chocolate!
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