A Pollyanna Hulk of a Dream

     I was speaking with my brother in law last night, and as usual, a wide variety of subjects were discussed.   Subjects like his mom, and how she is doing, my children, my husband (his brother), working out, his job, and other numerous subjects.
     I have known my brother in law for most of my life.   His grandmother lived 2 doors up from my home, so consequently we were not strangers when his brother and I began dating.
     Even though I knew who he was, I didn't really know him until years after my husband and I were married.
     He and my husband were both born on Valentines Day, exactly 2 years apart.  Although they share the same astrological sign, Aquarius, they are both two totally different people.
     My brother in law, is without a doubt the most positive person I know!  Sometimes, he drives me crazy with his positively.   I am positive too, and I have been called a Pollyanna before.  Pollyanna is a fictional character in a series of novels written by Elanor H. Porter, penned at the beginning of the 1900's.  She was known for her optimistic personality.  Like I said, I am optimistic too, but not like my brother in law.   He takes positively to a whole other level!
     After a conversation with my brother in law, I feel like I should go for a jog or work out for an hour (I don't of course)!  He challenges  me to be the best person I can be, and he doesn't even realize it.  He is a 6'3" body of inspiration that makes my subconscious mind scream " No!  I'm tired"!  He is energy on overload!
     Over the past 9 years, he has been writing his own series of books.  It began as 1 book, but over time, it has become a quadrilogy, simply meaning 4 books.  These books are based on his life over the past 40 years.  A colourful life indeed.
     What began, I surmise as cathartic, and a great way to purge his past, became more than a simple physiological release, I believe it became his vision.  During this time of reflection, he relived some painful experiences from his past as well as some amusing, and never boring ones too.
     He boldly proclaimed to everyone he was writing his autobiography.  Setting out on a new creative adventure, I compared him to Captain James T. Kirk, from the television series Star Trek, exploring the different world of literature, editing and publishing.
      Last year, my brother in law found an editor and she began the painstaking job of editing and revising.  There was 1 huge problem, her vision for the books were not his.   After regaining creative control once again, he began the arduous task of searching for another editor.   Not once during this time did he give up or throw in the proverbial white towel, no, he dug his heels in deeper than they were before.  He was ferocious!  He was like Anthony Robbins...on steroids!   My brother in law never faultered or even slowed down in trying to achieve his dream.   Positivity!  Positivism that makes me crazy .
     He now has another editor, and they are working together to turn that dream into a reality!  I am excited for him (not as excited as him, but Anthony Robbins on steroids...remember).
     I don't know for certain what the future holds for my enthusiastic brother in law,  but I believe that his power of positive thinking and hard work is the key that can open up all kinds of doors.
Here is a link to his story.  Enjoy


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