The Dance of the Flies!
My house has been invaded! Thanks to the summer fruit sitting on my counter, fruit flies have set up residence in my kitchen.
I was in bed, like usual, when my husband came home from work. Usually, he is very quiet and respectful, so he doesn't wake me up. However, last night, he was not so quiet. I could hear some street vernacular coming from my husband, mumbling, and a strange noise that I couldn't identify.
I sat up in my bed and peeked around the corner of my bedroom door. I could see my husband waving a tea towel in the air, aha! That was the unknown sound, a tea towel, being vigorously waved into the air and, it sounded like the blades of a giant windmill cutting through the air! Whap, whap, whap, mixed with a chorus of curse words.
Oh oh, I understood what was unfolding in my kitchen. My husband was battling a swarm of fruit flies. My husband, likes organization, and order, so an invasion of tsetse flies, as he calls them is an assault to his sense of order. I began to giggle in my bed, pushing my face into the pillow so my husband couldn't hear me. Our son, walked into the hall. "Stay back" yelled my husband. "If you come in the kitchen, there's a good chance you'll get malaria "! I couldn't contain myself any longer! Gales of laughter, and snorting escaped me, I was crying with laughter and my belly hurt.
I was caught! In walked my husband, he flicked the bedroom light on and asked me if I was aware of the fly situation. I shook my head yes, only because I still couldn't speak. "So", he said, calm now. "You think this is funny"? "No" I said, pinching my arm so I wouldn't laugh. He began to rant again about all of the fruit flies and he asked "Where the hell did they come from, and why is all this fruit out uncovered "? I was thrilled that for once, my husband was pitching a fit and I, the usual irrational lunatic, was the laid back one! "Well..." I said, I just couldn't resist, "I sent out party invitations last week, and they all decided to come, and the fruit is uncovered because it would be rude of me not to feed our guests"!
My husband sat on the edge of our bed, tea towel in hand, both arms were crossed, and his foot was bouncing on the floor. I could see his face twitch just a tiny bit and for a second or two, I thought I was going to be flicked with the towel. Instead, he stood up, and walked back into the kitchen and I could hear the unmistakable sound of linen striking wood. He was once again on the offensive.
I could hear my son giggling from the living room now. Oh boy. My husband continued to cuss and slap at the fruit flies with little success. I could hear him swearing,"Freeloading little bastards "! More mumbling, and continued giggling from the living room.
The television was turned off as well as the lamp, and my son stuck his head in my bedroom to say good night. My laughing had subsided finally, as I said my good night's to my son. "Hey mom", he said in a conspiratorial tone, "Do you think now is a good time to tell dad we have a family of chipmunks living in the garage?
I am sure my husband will be back to talking to me today. 😂
I was in bed, like usual, when my husband came home from work. Usually, he is very quiet and respectful, so he doesn't wake me up. However, last night, he was not so quiet. I could hear some street vernacular coming from my husband, mumbling, and a strange noise that I couldn't identify.
I sat up in my bed and peeked around the corner of my bedroom door. I could see my husband waving a tea towel in the air, aha! That was the unknown sound, a tea towel, being vigorously waved into the air and, it sounded like the blades of a giant windmill cutting through the air! Whap, whap, whap, mixed with a chorus of curse words.
Oh oh, I understood what was unfolding in my kitchen. My husband was battling a swarm of fruit flies. My husband, likes organization, and order, so an invasion of tsetse flies, as he calls them is an assault to his sense of order. I began to giggle in my bed, pushing my face into the pillow so my husband couldn't hear me. Our son, walked into the hall. "Stay back" yelled my husband. "If you come in the kitchen, there's a good chance you'll get malaria "! I couldn't contain myself any longer! Gales of laughter, and snorting escaped me, I was crying with laughter and my belly hurt.
I was caught! In walked my husband, he flicked the bedroom light on and asked me if I was aware of the fly situation. I shook my head yes, only because I still couldn't speak. "So", he said, calm now. "You think this is funny"? "No" I said, pinching my arm so I wouldn't laugh. He began to rant again about all of the fruit flies and he asked "Where the hell did they come from, and why is all this fruit out uncovered "? I was thrilled that for once, my husband was pitching a fit and I, the usual irrational lunatic, was the laid back one! "Well..." I said, I just couldn't resist, "I sent out party invitations last week, and they all decided to come, and the fruit is uncovered because it would be rude of me not to feed our guests"!
My husband sat on the edge of our bed, tea towel in hand, both arms were crossed, and his foot was bouncing on the floor. I could see his face twitch just a tiny bit and for a second or two, I thought I was going to be flicked with the towel. Instead, he stood up, and walked back into the kitchen and I could hear the unmistakable sound of linen striking wood. He was once again on the offensive.
I could hear my son giggling from the living room now. Oh boy. My husband continued to cuss and slap at the fruit flies with little success. I could hear him swearing,"Freeloading little bastards "! More mumbling, and continued giggling from the living room.
The television was turned off as well as the lamp, and my son stuck his head in my bedroom to say good night. My laughing had subsided finally, as I said my good night's to my son. "Hey mom", he said in a conspiratorial tone, "Do you think now is a good time to tell dad we have a family of chipmunks living in the garage?
I am sure my husband will be back to talking to me today. 😂
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