A Tiny Explosion of Energy Everytime!

     Oh, to see the world through the eyes of a child.
     My grandson was here this morning, which is always a guarantee for excitement.  He is a goer,  I always try to think 1 step ahead of his little feet.  Usually,  I can't.
     I am a mom, a grandma, plus an experienced nanny for many years.  I love them all!  Each child is different and unique.   I particularly love to see the firsts, through a child's eyes.
     The first snowfall, messing up their first birthday cake, their first taste of peas.  All of those are adorable.  However, I love their enthusiasm in trying new things for the first time, their sense of wonder, and complete innocence.
     In my living room, sits a large basket, it has things my grandson can get into.  He is 19 months old and very curious...about EVERYTHING!   Drawers, cupboards, and my front closet are an adventure, a mission to explore, and there is always something interesting inside.
     Today, he picked up a box of Jell-o.   He loves to shake it and dance to the sound.  My husband thinks he will open it up and red powder will be sprinkled everywhere.   That, would be something new!  In the basket, is a big piece of bubble wrap, because who can resist popping all of those little bubbles?  Little books full of brightly coloured pictures, toilet paper rolls, to look through, little cars, waiting to turn grandma's living room into the Dakar Rally, plastic bowls and wooden spoons for beating to his own drum.
     Of course, there is always something that distracts him after a few minutes, and over he toddles,  to pick it up and bang it together.  This is how they learn.  That is why toddlers put things into their mouth so often.  They are determining if they can eat it.  Banging and crashing things together, satisfies their sense of...banging things around.  Let's not forget cat food,  my grandson will always try to feed the cats, with the whole bowl!  He thinks he's helping.  The thing he has most fun with is an open toilet.  Splashing his hand around in there, always gets grandma chasing him, and that's fun he can't resist.
     Anything gets turned into a phone, and amusing little conversations are carried on for a few minutes until something new catches his eye.  Papa's cowboy hat is always fun to put on his head.  It's too big, so it gets turned into a roaring game of peek-a-boo.  My large lantern,  turns into a giant garage for his cars, or a bed for his bear, whatever the moment calls for.
     The broom, presents a wonderful experience for him, for me, not so much.  He is great at sweeping things up, and knocking things off my wall with the handle.  "Oh, oh!" and his little mouth opens up like he's trying to whistle.  He's a great little cleaner, give him a rag and he cleans everything, the walls, the fireplace, my cat, Bella's face, he's very proficient.
     Folding laundry with my grandson poses an interesting challenge.  He doesn't care for my method of folding.  He prefers the wrap it around his arm 3 times, then plunk it down method himself.  Socks, they all need to be tried on his feet, pulled up to his thigh, and then tested, with his walking around the living room quality check.  If they pass, they go back in the hamper.  If they fail, they get thrown down.
     My grandson makes a great alarm clock.  He sneaks in, pulls the blankets off of papa's toes, giggles, and scrunched up his nose, saying "tickle, tickle, tickle.   It works wonders!  My husband wakes up immediately, with a blast of cool air on his feet and a little giggling gremlin sticking things between his toes.
     All of these activities are within the first hour!  Like I said, my grandson is a goer.   He's a tiny bundle of explosive, giggling energy, ready to explore his world at every given opportunity.   He tastes, touches, smells and moves things.  He investigates his environment and he tests out his hypothesis.   He is my grandson, my little nuclear bomb.
     If you see children on your travels, watch them, learn from them, enjoy their inquisitive nature, joy, and energy.  Learn to stop and really look at things, the way they do, through their eyes.   The world is full of wonder and adventure.   Enjoy it!

My grandson, enjoying a bath in mommy's sink, sporting a red plastic hat!   ♡♡


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