The 3 "R's" Responsiblility, Reliability, and Respectability
In keeping with the beginning of a new school year, I feel we all need a review of the 3 "R's". Not reading, writing and arithmetic either. Responsibility, reliability, and respectability, are what come to mind.
I understand the world is full of different kinds of people, all with their own personalities and traits. That being obvious, there should be some common ground we all share, those, that define us as human.
The sense of entitlement has grown way out of control! It's not just teens and young adults with this poor attitude. I am seeing it in middle aged adults as well. It is total selfishness, and narcissism, and, not at their finest!
When I was a child, my parents taught me how to respect not just myself , but others as well. The Golden Rule, was a great example of how to treat others. Kindness, caring, empathy, sympathy, and honesty were also instilled in me. I shared the same values with my children and now, my daughter is teaching it to her children.
Lately, it has become apparent that these qualities are not being taught, or at least employed by the masses.
I am tired of hearing "Don't judge!" That is true...sometimes. There are times when judging someone is acceptable. If someone steals your car, and you see it, do you stand there and say "I won't judge you?" Of course not! You do whatever you need to do to stop it, because that person is a thief. Is that judging? No, it's a fact. You are taking a stand. We have been brainwashed to believe if we stand up for our rights or ourselves, we are being judgemental, or a bully. We aren't, we are being responsible. People need to be more accountable for their own actions. There has to be more scincerity, and maturity for what each person says or does. I'm tired of hearing the excuses, "I have had a bad day." That doesn't give anyone the right to be cruel, or mean to others because someone is stressed. Everyone has bad days, myself included, many times I have had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't say something I would regret.
Empathy for other people, trying to put yourself in their shoes is a concious effort. There are days when I have less patience, so I have to be aware of what I do or say. I am sure I am not alone. Courtesy and kindness costs nothing, but time and energy.
For those that point the finger of blame at someone else for something they, themselves are responsible for makes them nothing more than a liar. Everyone has their own version of the truth, understandably, but when that version doesn't run parallel with the real events, it makes people doubt your integrity.
Decency, understanding and compassion are the qualities that are supposed to separate us from other species. I have seen less and less of these, and yet, selfishness, laziness and narcissism seems to be growing at an accelerated rate.
Our society seems to punish the hard working people by taxing them to death, then turn around and reward the lazy people who don't want to work with welfare or disability benefits. I am not saying everyone who is collecting these benefits are lazy, but I do believe many people who are collecting are doing so out of convenience, not necessity. They could be helping their communities with various jobs. We have to work for our money, why shouldn't they?
How can we raise this generation of children, and upcoming generations, to be responsible, decent, members of society if we ourselves are not?
How do we encourage these young children if we can't even challenge ourselves to be positive? How indeed?
I believe we need to make ourselves and others more accountable for their actions, or in-action. Doing or saying nothing when a voice should be heard is just as wrong as saying something unkind.
We have to stop looking at everyone else to do or say something we can say or do ourself. We need to stand up and be proactive.
It takes one tiny grain of sand to irritate an oyster. That irritating grain of sand, over time transforms into a beautiful pearl. Change is scary, and often irritating, but if it's done correctly, it turns into something a pearl.
Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Inspiring words, I intend to live by them. Will you?
I understand the world is full of different kinds of people, all with their own personalities and traits. That being obvious, there should be some common ground we all share, those, that define us as human.
The sense of entitlement has grown way out of control! It's not just teens and young adults with this poor attitude. I am seeing it in middle aged adults as well. It is total selfishness, and narcissism, and, not at their finest!
When I was a child, my parents taught me how to respect not just myself , but others as well. The Golden Rule, was a great example of how to treat others. Kindness, caring, empathy, sympathy, and honesty were also instilled in me. I shared the same values with my children and now, my daughter is teaching it to her children.
Lately, it has become apparent that these qualities are not being taught, or at least employed by the masses.
I am tired of hearing "Don't judge!" That is true...sometimes. There are times when judging someone is acceptable. If someone steals your car, and you see it, do you stand there and say "I won't judge you?" Of course not! You do whatever you need to do to stop it, because that person is a thief. Is that judging? No, it's a fact. You are taking a stand. We have been brainwashed to believe if we stand up for our rights or ourselves, we are being judgemental, or a bully. We aren't, we are being responsible. People need to be more accountable for their own actions. There has to be more scincerity, and maturity for what each person says or does. I'm tired of hearing the excuses, "I have had a bad day." That doesn't give anyone the right to be cruel, or mean to others because someone is stressed. Everyone has bad days, myself included, many times I have had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't say something I would regret.
Empathy for other people, trying to put yourself in their shoes is a concious effort. There are days when I have less patience, so I have to be aware of what I do or say. I am sure I am not alone. Courtesy and kindness costs nothing, but time and energy.
For those that point the finger of blame at someone else for something they, themselves are responsible for makes them nothing more than a liar. Everyone has their own version of the truth, understandably, but when that version doesn't run parallel with the real events, it makes people doubt your integrity.
Decency, understanding and compassion are the qualities that are supposed to separate us from other species. I have seen less and less of these, and yet, selfishness, laziness and narcissism seems to be growing at an accelerated rate.
Our society seems to punish the hard working people by taxing them to death, then turn around and reward the lazy people who don't want to work with welfare or disability benefits. I am not saying everyone who is collecting these benefits are lazy, but I do believe many people who are collecting are doing so out of convenience, not necessity. They could be helping their communities with various jobs. We have to work for our money, why shouldn't they?
How can we raise this generation of children, and upcoming generations, to be responsible, decent, members of society if we ourselves are not?
How do we encourage these young children if we can't even challenge ourselves to be positive? How indeed?
I believe we need to make ourselves and others more accountable for their actions, or in-action. Doing or saying nothing when a voice should be heard is just as wrong as saying something unkind.
We have to stop looking at everyone else to do or say something we can say or do ourself. We need to stand up and be proactive.
It takes one tiny grain of sand to irritate an oyster. That irritating grain of sand, over time transforms into a beautiful pearl. Change is scary, and often irritating, but if it's done correctly, it turns into something a pearl.
Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Inspiring words, I intend to live by them. Will you?
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