That Bitch Of An Itch!

     My skin has always been sensitive.   It doesn't take much to throw it into a tizzy.  I have to be careful with laundry soap, bath products, lotions, anything that comes into contact with my skin.  Heck, plain water from a shower or a bath causes big, red, itchy, angry hives all over my body  So, when I find something that doesn't bother my skin, that is all I use.
     In the past, I have had some very bad bouts of dry, itchy skin.  I tried everything!  Medicated ointment from the doctor was useless, I poured on extra-virgin olive oil once because someone told me it wold be my saving grace.   It just made me slippery and every time I walked, I left a slime trail, like a snail.  I even tried tomato paste, I rubbed it all over my skin, to soothe the itch and modify my skins PH level.  It didn't work either, it only made a mess and, I craved pizza all day.  Any wives tail,  I tried, but, to no avail.
     A few years ago, while I was managing a hair salon, I was working 50 hours a week, I was stressed and itchy.  My husband and I had been doing some renovations in our home.  I came home from work, and saw some 80 grit sandpaper sitting on my mantle.   I picked it up to move it, when the phone rang.  As I was talking, I didn't realize I had been scratching my arm with the sandpaper.   Let me tell you, it felt so gooood!  I hung up, and went to work.  Anywhere I was itchy, I sandpapered.  It was great!   I couldn't reach my back, so I grabed some duct tape and attached the sandpaper to a long spatula and scratched my back.  My eyes, rolled back into my head, my knees went weak, it felt so good to finally scratch that incessant itch.  By the time I was finished,  I had deposited more  skin cells and DNA all over my house in 20 minutes than I had in 40 years.  I looked at myself in the mirror.   I was bright red, and I had what felt like a very bad sun burn.  It hurt, but at least there was no more itch!  My husband was mortified,  and locked up anything sharp, even the kitchen forks were hidden.  Forks!  I had never thought of them!
     Lately, because of the furnace being turned on, my skin is once again flaring up.  The past few days, I have been going  crazy.   Rubbing up against anything that may give me some relief,  Yesterday,  standing in line at the grocery store,  there was a man  behind me with a couple days growth of whiskers on his face.  It was all I could do to not ask him to give me a whisker rub...all over my back.  I didn't,  but I did fantasize about it.
      As I crawled into bed last night,  I consulted Dr. Google.  I typed in itching skin.  A whole slew of dreaded diseases came up, all of them involving itching skin.  Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Morgellon, where teeny tiny parasites dig into your skin, yikes, I hope it's not either of them!  Listeria, Hysteria, Lichens Syndrome,  wait, aren't Lichens half ware wolf,  part human?  Oh my word, things were looking worse with every disease.
      I decided I should search my symptoms instead.  Turns out, eczema is probably the most likely culprit.  It's definition,  is pretty general, not to mention vague.   Eczema is defined as:  A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause intense itching,  and bleeding,  sometimes resulting from a reaction to an irritation, but typically having no obvious external cause.  Yea, no kidding Sherlock!  If I had given a definition like that on an exam in school,  I would have failed.  How can that even be allowed to qualify as a reasonable definition?   I'm absolutely no further ahead than before.
     I turned off my phone, and grabbed my trusty back scratcher.  It's my best friend these days.  I scratched, and scratched, with little choruses of  "Oh!" and "Yes, that's good!  Right there!"  It sounded like a blue movie going on in my bedroom!   It wasn't, but I was left feeling just as satisfied!
     Cold weather is coming, that means sweaters, coats, hats and mits, and itching.   When my husband leaves for work, I am going  to the garage,  and search for sandpaper!

My new best friend, my back scratcher!


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