Detour Ahead
I believe a call to my doctor is in order today. For the past week, I have endured the sore throat, and runny nose, but last night, I graduated a whole new symptom.
Coughing. Coughing so hard, I was seeing stars, coughing so hard I couldn't catch my breath, coughing, until my belly hurt. This morning, I felt as if I had completed 100 sit ups, or had a good belly laugh. I was whining last night when my husband came to bed, he told me I was out of shape. I seriously contemplated suffocating him after he fell asleep. Out of shape! Huh!
I have tried honey, honey and lemon tea, throat lozenges, and hot compresses on my throat. Nothing seems to work to ease my coughing. I think I need some medication at this point. My husband mumbled "Don't, it won't help." A pillow on his head is really looking appealing right about now.
I attempted to lay on my sectional, propped up with pillows. That didn't work, I still coughed. It's a dry cough, that tears at my throat. I'm undecided about what hurts more, my throat or my stomach.
My husband called me a wimp, a wimp! He was laying in bed, almost asleep, when I complained about my sore throat and sore stomach. Perhaps he was talking in his sleep, so I will give him a reprieve.
At 9 o'clock, I began calling my doctor. I continued to get the answering machine. It was past 9 am, so I knew someone was there. I reminded myself that everyone who needs to see the doctor was trying to call at the same time. I waited for 5 minutes, then tried again. Again, the same recorded message. I was beginning to panic.
My doctor works 2 days a week in the office, so you have to make an appointment to be sick. It's frustrating trying to get in to see him for the 5 minutes you get in his presence. Finally, the receptionist answered the phone, I have known her for almost 30 years, so when I call, she knows I need to come in. She listened to me prattle on and then she told me the doctor was in Jamaica. "Bastard!" She laughed, but she told me I could see the nurse practitioner. Oh fantastic! I like her.
I went in to the bedroom, and while I was dressing, my husband asked me what I was doing. I told him I had an appointment with the nurse practitioner, and he said...again "There's nothing she can give you, it just has to run its course." "Run its course...well, it's course has come to its end honey, I am putting up the Detour sign!" He rolled over and told me I was just wasting my time. My pillow was sitting inches beside the back of his head...waiting. I didn't have the energy to suffocate him today.
The countdown is on, for my visit, and I have never been so excited to be poked and prodded. My husband, if he is wise and remains quiet between now and 10:45, will sleep, uninterrupted.
Coughing. Coughing so hard, I was seeing stars, coughing so hard I couldn't catch my breath, coughing, until my belly hurt. This morning, I felt as if I had completed 100 sit ups, or had a good belly laugh. I was whining last night when my husband came to bed, he told me I was out of shape. I seriously contemplated suffocating him after he fell asleep. Out of shape! Huh!
I have tried honey, honey and lemon tea, throat lozenges, and hot compresses on my throat. Nothing seems to work to ease my coughing. I think I need some medication at this point. My husband mumbled "Don't, it won't help." A pillow on his head is really looking appealing right about now.
I attempted to lay on my sectional, propped up with pillows. That didn't work, I still coughed. It's a dry cough, that tears at my throat. I'm undecided about what hurts more, my throat or my stomach.
My husband called me a wimp, a wimp! He was laying in bed, almost asleep, when I complained about my sore throat and sore stomach. Perhaps he was talking in his sleep, so I will give him a reprieve.
At 9 o'clock, I began calling my doctor. I continued to get the answering machine. It was past 9 am, so I knew someone was there. I reminded myself that everyone who needs to see the doctor was trying to call at the same time. I waited for 5 minutes, then tried again. Again, the same recorded message. I was beginning to panic.
My doctor works 2 days a week in the office, so you have to make an appointment to be sick. It's frustrating trying to get in to see him for the 5 minutes you get in his presence. Finally, the receptionist answered the phone, I have known her for almost 30 years, so when I call, she knows I need to come in. She listened to me prattle on and then she told me the doctor was in Jamaica. "Bastard!" She laughed, but she told me I could see the nurse practitioner. Oh fantastic! I like her.
I went in to the bedroom, and while I was dressing, my husband asked me what I was doing. I told him I had an appointment with the nurse practitioner, and he said...again "There's nothing she can give you, it just has to run its course." "Run its course...well, it's course has come to its end honey, I am putting up the Detour sign!" He rolled over and told me I was just wasting my time. My pillow was sitting inches beside the back of his head...waiting. I didn't have the energy to suffocate him today.
The countdown is on, for my visit, and I have never been so excited to be poked and prodded. My husband, if he is wise and remains quiet between now and 10:45, will sleep, uninterrupted.
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