The World Needs More Canada
I AM Canadian. I love my country, it's a huge, diverse country full of different cultures and people. Canada is known for many things, its natural resources, such as lumber, diamonds, gold and other precious metals, fishing, plus its beef. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans border us, as well as the great Hudson Bay, famous for its size, and the famous Hudson Bay Trading Company. Canada has five Great Lakes in its interior, plus thousands of rivers, lakes and streams home to fish and other indigenous animals. We have ten provinces, and three territories. English is our official language, but Quebec is a French speaking province, fiercely protective of its French roots. Parts of Quebec is like stepping back in time to Europe of old. Its also known for its polite citizens, who usually say please, thank you and I'm sorry...a lot.
In June of this year, Obama, president of the United States of America, was quoted as saying "The world needs more Canada." Although I have not been a proponent of his policies, I did agree with this particular statement. Canada has always been an ally to other countries, always helping in times of war, peace keeping, earthquake relief, you name it, we jump in.
Our citizens have been faulted for being too wimpy, and, gutless. We have been portrayed as unpatriotic and weak. I can assure you, we are none of those. It is true that we Canadians are polite, we do say please, thank you and I'm sorry. However, we can also be strong and fierce, when we need to. We are very patriotic, we love our country, it's flag, and we stand at attention when we sing Oh Canada. We are not a loud, boastful, or obnoxious nation. We are content to stand in the back, secure in our place, watching and cheering. Don't confuse our shyness for weakness, because that, we are not!
We areally a proud country, full of decent, hard working people. We are friendly, generous and kind. We jump in to send aid, whether monetary or with personnel, we are every nations best friend.
Our sport is hockey! Everyone cheers on Saturday night, while watching Hockey Night in Canada. We did invent the game of basketball as well. Although it is thought of as more of an American game, Canada is embracing the game and holding their own with the Toronto Raptors.
Our animal is the beaver. A beaver is a force to be reckoned with. They can divert the course of a mighty river in one night. They are strong, and determined, and they will fight when threatened. That is the definition of a Canadian!
Our money is colourful too. What other country calls their dollar a loonie, because of the coin bearing the image of a loon? Our two dollar coin has a polar bear on it. No, it's not called a bearie in keeping with the animal theme. It is nicknamed the twoonie, because it rhymes with loonie. That's the great thing about Canada, just when you think you have us figured out, we throw these puzzles in to keep others guessing. We're brilliant!
Yes, I AM Canadian! Yes, the world does need more Canada!
In June of this year, Obama, president of the United States of America, was quoted as saying "The world needs more Canada." Although I have not been a proponent of his policies, I did agree with this particular statement. Canada has always been an ally to other countries, always helping in times of war, peace keeping, earthquake relief, you name it, we jump in.
Our citizens have been faulted for being too wimpy, and, gutless. We have been portrayed as unpatriotic and weak. I can assure you, we are none of those. It is true that we Canadians are polite, we do say please, thank you and I'm sorry. However, we can also be strong and fierce, when we need to. We are very patriotic, we love our country, it's flag, and we stand at attention when we sing Oh Canada. We are not a loud, boastful, or obnoxious nation. We are content to stand in the back, secure in our place, watching and cheering. Don't confuse our shyness for weakness, because that, we are not!
We areally a proud country, full of decent, hard working people. We are friendly, generous and kind. We jump in to send aid, whether monetary or with personnel, we are every nations best friend.
Our sport is hockey! Everyone cheers on Saturday night, while watching Hockey Night in Canada. We did invent the game of basketball as well. Although it is thought of as more of an American game, Canada is embracing the game and holding their own with the Toronto Raptors.
Our animal is the beaver. A beaver is a force to be reckoned with. They can divert the course of a mighty river in one night. They are strong, and determined, and they will fight when threatened. That is the definition of a Canadian!
Our money is colourful too. What other country calls their dollar a loonie, because of the coin bearing the image of a loon? Our two dollar coin has a polar bear on it. No, it's not called a bearie in keeping with the animal theme. It is nicknamed the twoonie, because it rhymes with loonie. That's the great thing about Canada, just when you think you have us figured out, we throw these puzzles in to keep others guessing. We're brilliant!
Yes, I AM Canadian! Yes, the world does need more Canada!
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