⛄ Bubble Baths And Snowmen

 The week before Christmas can be stressful for both adults and children.  Adults are going over everything that needs to be completed, and children are anxiously awaiting Christmas morning with family, and the fun of new toys.
     Yesterday, my granddaughter's school hosted snowman day.  I worked to make my granddaughter an adorable snowman costume.  I was excited to see her in it, but when I tried to pull it over her head, it wouldn't stretch.  I didn't account for that when I attached the scarf.  My granddaughter was struggling and crying.  I was laughing!  I had to cut the neck to allow her head through.  All of this was just too much, it messed up her hair, and she was devastated.
     So, when I bathed my granddaughter   last night, we were discussing very important subjects, such as what is Rudolph's favourite food?  As well as the first Christmas morning.  I told my granddaughter how Mary and Joseph could find no place for Mary to have the baby Jesus, so He was born in a stable, with cows, a donkey, and other livestock, then laid into a manger to sleep.  She looked like she was thinking, and then she said "Grandma, it was awfully crowded in that stable."  I couldn't help myself, but I threw my head back and laughed.
     My granddaughter didn't understand what was so funny, or why I was laughing.  She was very sincere.  I explained that sometimes children say things that grown-ups find humorous, so that is why they laugh.  She then said "That is inappropriate."  Hearing this of course, made me laugh all over again.
     At this point, my granddaughter turned away, trying to ignore me, and singing Away in a Manger, singing beautifully, until the verse "The cattle are lowing, the sweet baby wakes."  My granddaughter's version was "The cattle are lonely, the sweet baby wakes."  I had to turn my head so she didn't see me giggling.  I was caught!  I felt a warm, little hand, all covered in bubbles, touch my face and say "Grandma, why are you shaking?"  I couldn't let her see that I was laughing, but she knew something was up; I don't usually shake like a bowl full of jelly, while bathing my granddaughter.   At that point, she knew, and she too began to laugh, I assume, because I was roaring hysterically.
     I suggested a different Christmas song,  Winter Wonderland.   Everything was going great, we were singing, and harmonising well, and during the verse, "In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he is Parson Brown."  I sang, ahem...the boring rendition, while my granddaughter, chose a much more creative version.  "In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he's apart and brown."  
     Once again I found my head hiding in my arm.  My granddaughter was on to my antics and was laughing too.  The rest of her bath was enfused not just with bubbles, but crazy song lyrics and giggling.   It was a carefree way to rid the stress of a bad day, and the upcoming madness quickly approaching.

My grumpy granddaughter in her snowman outfit!
     Today is Wear a Christmas Skirt to school day, my granddaughter was much happier with this outfit, probably because it didn't need to go over her head.

My granddaughter today, 
wearing her Christmas tree skirt!   
What a difference a day makes.


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