My Crazy...Normal Life
My life is slowly getting back to normal. Cooking dinner, dishes, and laundry. Everyday chores, I never dreamed I would be so happy to perform them.
Having my grandchildren with us certainly helps us to move on. They are busy and they keep us focused on them. That is a very good thing right now.
This morning, as I was taking my granddaughter to school, there was ice everywhere. We had a few inches of snow yesterday, followed by rain, followed by freezing temperatures. So, as my grandchildren and I were walking out to my son's Jeep, I warned them to be careful. I should have warned myself. My granddaughter was skipping along, singing a song, and my grandson was navigating his pathway very well. I, on the other hand, did not. I walked through the gate, stepped on some thin ice, and my legs began slipping. I was doing the splits, and not gracefully. My granddaughter heard me yelp and turned around on time to see me inches from the ground. I heard her giggling. She said "Grandma, you look like Bambi, when he first tried to walk on the ice!" I am sure I would have agreed with her, had I actually looked at myself. Unfortunately, I was too busy trying to gain my footing. I managed to get one foot up on the ice, and pushed myself up. That didn't work so well either. I began sliding across the driveway. I looked like I was the skip of a curling team, getting ready to release my rock!
My grandchildren were laughing and my grandson tried desperately to pull me up. He was making funny faces and noises as he was pulling my arm. I started to laugh, his expression was so serious, I coudn't help myself. When I start laughing, I have absolutely no strength. I sat there on my icy driveway laughing. My granddaughter slid over to me and tried to pull my other arm. I had both of them trying to haul me off of my butt. Oh my, I thought to myself, they are really going to need my assistance to do this.
Finally, with hard work from all of us, I was up on my feet! I received a standing ovation for my effort. When we arrived at school, I couldn't help but notice the playground. It was a skating rink. My granddaughter was in the back seat hooting. "Yahoo! We can slide!" I was happy for her, for me, it looked like a nightmare. After unbuckling her from her car seat, her teacher was outside, ushering her students inside. There would be no sliding today, there was to much ice. My granddaughter turned up her nose and snorted "No fair!" In to the school she marched, indignation in her step.
After pulling my grandson out of the Jeep, I had to once again navigate myself through this ice hazard to get inside. I took another path. Things were pretty good until my grandson lost his footing. I grabbed the sleeve of his coat, but it was too late. He was down. He didn't find it fun either. I bent down to pick him up, but he insisted he could do it. I decided he could try, so I stood back and watched. I haven't been so entertained in a long time.
Eventually, with his little bum straight up in the air, he was standing. He was so excited, he began clapping for his rewarded efforts, and down he went again. He thought this was hilarious and wonderfull fun. I, myself was cringing at the thought.
My grandson decided to explore the frozen tundra that surrounded him. He found his sandbox, and couldn't understand why the sand wouldn't move. He found his little shovel and decided to move some of the frozen snow in the yard. He moaned and pushed and struggled to move a huge piece of ice. He worked very hard before deciding it was useless. The shovel then turned into a hockey stick as he flung little ice nuggets around the yard. He decided that was more rewarding and much more fun, especially when a few zingers almost hit grandma!
I was getting cold, and I needed a coffee, so I convinced my little future NHL star to join me.
In the kitchen, sitting at the table with a cookie and juice box, my grandson sat watching me make myself a coffee. He was jabbering away, and then he spotted my cat Torro. He decided my drain board was a comfortable spot to sleep. There he was, curled up, fast asleep. My grandson, knowing this spot is usually reserved for freshly washed dishes, crawled off of his chair and walked over to where the slumbering feline was. He began pointing his finger at him saying "No! Down!" Torro merely opened one eye, then fell back asleep. I stood there, watching my crazy cat, and smiling at my grandson.
I was home, and things were back crazy normal life.
My grandson wearing my sun hat. He was helping me unpack my suitcase.
Having my grandchildren with us certainly helps us to move on. They are busy and they keep us focused on them. That is a very good thing right now.
This morning, as I was taking my granddaughter to school, there was ice everywhere. We had a few inches of snow yesterday, followed by rain, followed by freezing temperatures. So, as my grandchildren and I were walking out to my son's Jeep, I warned them to be careful. I should have warned myself. My granddaughter was skipping along, singing a song, and my grandson was navigating his pathway very well. I, on the other hand, did not. I walked through the gate, stepped on some thin ice, and my legs began slipping. I was doing the splits, and not gracefully. My granddaughter heard me yelp and turned around on time to see me inches from the ground. I heard her giggling. She said "Grandma, you look like Bambi, when he first tried to walk on the ice!" I am sure I would have agreed with her, had I actually looked at myself. Unfortunately, I was too busy trying to gain my footing. I managed to get one foot up on the ice, and pushed myself up. That didn't work so well either. I began sliding across the driveway. I looked like I was the skip of a curling team, getting ready to release my rock!
My grandchildren were laughing and my grandson tried desperately to pull me up. He was making funny faces and noises as he was pulling my arm. I started to laugh, his expression was so serious, I coudn't help myself. When I start laughing, I have absolutely no strength. I sat there on my icy driveway laughing. My granddaughter slid over to me and tried to pull my other arm. I had both of them trying to haul me off of my butt. Oh my, I thought to myself, they are really going to need my assistance to do this.
Finally, with hard work from all of us, I was up on my feet! I received a standing ovation for my effort. When we arrived at school, I couldn't help but notice the playground. It was a skating rink. My granddaughter was in the back seat hooting. "Yahoo! We can slide!" I was happy for her, for me, it looked like a nightmare. After unbuckling her from her car seat, her teacher was outside, ushering her students inside. There would be no sliding today, there was to much ice. My granddaughter turned up her nose and snorted "No fair!" In to the school she marched, indignation in her step.
After pulling my grandson out of the Jeep, I had to once again navigate myself through this ice hazard to get inside. I took another path. Things were pretty good until my grandson lost his footing. I grabbed the sleeve of his coat, but it was too late. He was down. He didn't find it fun either. I bent down to pick him up, but he insisted he could do it. I decided he could try, so I stood back and watched. I haven't been so entertained in a long time.
Eventually, with his little bum straight up in the air, he was standing. He was so excited, he began clapping for his rewarded efforts, and down he went again. He thought this was hilarious and wonderfull fun. I, myself was cringing at the thought.
My grandson decided to explore the frozen tundra that surrounded him. He found his sandbox, and couldn't understand why the sand wouldn't move. He found his little shovel and decided to move some of the frozen snow in the yard. He moaned and pushed and struggled to move a huge piece of ice. He worked very hard before deciding it was useless. The shovel then turned into a hockey stick as he flung little ice nuggets around the yard. He decided that was more rewarding and much more fun, especially when a few zingers almost hit grandma!
I was getting cold, and I needed a coffee, so I convinced my little future NHL star to join me.
In the kitchen, sitting at the table with a cookie and juice box, my grandson sat watching me make myself a coffee. He was jabbering away, and then he spotted my cat Torro. He decided my drain board was a comfortable spot to sleep. There he was, curled up, fast asleep. My grandson, knowing this spot is usually reserved for freshly washed dishes, crawled off of his chair and walked over to where the slumbering feline was. He began pointing his finger at him saying "No! Down!" Torro merely opened one eye, then fell back asleep. I stood there, watching my crazy cat, and smiling at my grandson.
I was home, and things were back crazy normal life.
Torro, sleeping in my drain board!
My grandson wearing my sun hat. He was helping me unpack my suitcase.
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