Tripping Over Monday

     I have afflicted my daughter and granddaughter with my...strangeness.   It seems they too, have an uncanny ability to attract trouble wherever they are.
     Watching my daughter and granddaughter walk out to the car this morning, I couldn't help but notice they both tripped over the same bit of nothingness that I had tripped over myself not two minutes earlier.   I could see my daughter stumble and look back to see what had caused her to lose her footing.  I watched her sense of disgust as she realized nothing had actually made her fall, and I watched her mouth form silent words, most likely vocabulary unbecoming a lady.  I laughed at the knowledge that I unwittingly handed my clumsiness onto my daughter.
     My granddaughter was a few steps behind her.  I could see her walking along, and then...wham!  She tripped over nothing as well.  My daughter, unaware of what had just happened, opened the car door and found me laughing.   She started to laugh, and asked me if I was laughing because I had witnessed her tripping herself.  I shook my head yes, as I continued to watch my granddaughter right herself and clench her face together in a very disagreeable expression.
      We were like a train of individual spatially challenged cars, going down a straight, unencumbered track, but jumping the track nonetheless.
     My daughter buckled my granddaughter in her car seat, and I was still chuckling.   My granddaughter asked me why I was laughing.   I told her that she and her mother tripped at the same spot as I had, and over the exact same thing...nothing.   She pretended she was mad, but she can't stay angry very long before beginning to giggle.
     There we were, three females, clumsy, spatially challenged, whatever you want to call it, laughing together.   Monday, Monday!  I love Monday!


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