The Doctor Is Out...

      I stand upon my soapbox today, and rant.  Today, is about my frustration with the medical care patients do not receive from their own personal physician.
     My husband injured his knee a few days ago.  He thought over the weekend, it would begin to heal, unfortunately, I think it requires more than just time to heal.  I think it needs some medical intervention.
     This morning, at exactly nine o'clock, I called our doctors office.  Surprisingly, it was answered on the third ring by the receptionist.  After our pleasantries, I asked Nancy if the doctor could see my husband this morning.  She informed me, he was on holidays...again.  Hmmm.  She told me my husband could come to the evening clinic, or go to the ER department of our hospital.  Damn!
     I informed my husband, he wasn't too impressed either.  The evening clinic, is run by doctors in the medical office, in which my GP works out of.  You cannot make an appointment to see the doctor on call, during the day.  The clinic has a separate phone number, and you take your chances to get through, and possibly get an appointment.   The clinic has three doctors running it, each with a couple of thousand of their own patients.  It runs for three hours.  The odds of getting in are not good.  In fact you have a better chance of winning a lottery than being seen in the clinic.
     That leaves the ER department.   Ugh!  That just makes me shudder thinking about all of the germs, as well as the wait time.  Either option is not preferable.   No, what is preferable would be for our doctor to be available five days a week, with no more than four weeks holidays in a calendar year.  When holidays are taken, a replacement doctor should be looking after the patients in his absence.   This is the way it was up until this doctor took over for our previous doctor.
     I like my doctor, and I think he is decent, however, every Monday, he works at the cancer clinic at the hospital.  Every Wednesday he has off, and Friday afternoons, he assists in the OR room at the hospital.  His office takes a ninety minute lunch, to boot.  That leaves his patients with two and a half days, consisting of a six and a half hour day to be seen and treated.
     I don't think this should be allowed.   To me, if a doctor wishes to be a family practitioner, he/she should be available to their patients.  If a doctor wants to help out in the hospital, or clinic, that's great, however, their first priority should be to their patients.
     My husband has to go to the ER today.  He will probably wait for three to four hours before he is seen, and the best part, he will need to pay for a medical note to take to his employer...but that's another rant.


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