Sorry Charlotte

     I don't know what it is about spiders and my car, but they seem to go together like peas and carrots, or cake and ice cream.
     Last night, my daughter, grandson and I were taking my husband his dinner.  My granddaughter stayed home with my son, watching Cinderella.   We were on the street, and my daughter was chatting away.  I noticed that she had stopped suddenly.  I looked over at her, in time to hear her gasp.  Immediately, she drew her legs up, and began turning her torso toward me.  I was trying to figure out what she was doing, as she pulled on the back of my seat and climbed to the back seat, plunking herself down beside my grandson.  She was doing a funky kind of movement back there and mumbling  some explatives.  I began laughing, and thinking to myself she looks like me when I see a spider!  It took me about three seconds for my brain to process what I just witnessed, and thought.  The scream escaped my mouth before I could stop it.  There was a spider in the car!
      I was still driving, but I was screaming too.  "Where is it?"  I yelled.  My daughter, safe in the back from the fangs of death, laughingly said "At the front."  " Yea, no kidding Sherlock!  Hence your emergency exodus to the back seat!"  I said through clenched teeth.   I slowed down to a crawl.  I couldn't even pull over, because there were construction pylons on the shoulder of the road.  I noticed the name on the pylons.  It was my son's construction crew.  I told myself not to worry, I would find my son and he would save us from the foot long monster hiding in the front.
     I realized, that my son was already home.  I was on my own.  My daughter was cowering in the back seat, laughing.   I found an opening between the pylons and pulled over.  I couldn't see it, but I knew it was looking at me through his million little eyes.  I carefully craned my neck towards the passenger visor, because my daughter said it was there.  I shut the visor, thinking it was there, congratulating myself on killing it.   My daughter was leaning up toward me, hissing "No, it's not there, it's by there!"  "What?"  I was in full panic mode now.  I began frantically searching for this arachnid vampire.   I could feel my daughter breathing on the back of my neck.  As I carefully moved the rear view mirror, my daughter screamed, so I of course screamed "What? Where is it?"  My daughter started to laugh and she said "Sorry mom."  Her son tickled her back while she was leaning toward me.  She thought the spider was crawling on her back.  I was a nervous wreck.  This went on twice more, and by this time, I couldn't take it anymore.  I grabbed the bottle of Febreze that was in the back seat.  I squirted the liquid in the general direction that I thought the spider was.
      Within seconds, it crawled out from its hiding spot and began crawling toward me!  I let out a blood curdling scream and opened my door to get out.  It dropped from the ceiling onto the console.  It was going to escape if I didn't do something.  I sprayed it some more, hoping to drown it in the sweet scented liquid.  It was still crawling.  My mind was racing and I was screaming "Die, die, die!"  My grandson began chanting it too.  My daughter, was absolutely no help, she was holding her belly, laughing. Apparently, our survival was dependant on me.
    I picked up a kleenex, closed my eyes and squished it.  I quickly threw it out my opened window, breathing a sigh of relief.  My daughter asked me "Did you get it?  Is it dead?"  I shook my head yes, hoping I did.
     My daughter continued to stay in the back seat with her son while I started the car back up.  I kept a close watch on the console...just in case.
     I know spiders are good for the environment, keep insect population down, blah blah blah, but, I still, don't want to see them.  Sorry Charlotte.


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