Truth, Or Consequences

    I dislike liars, I really do.  To me, a liar can't be trusted, and they leave me doubting everything that has ever been said.  Mark Twain, said "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
     Where do we draw the line at lying?  Is it okay to tell a fib or a little white lie to protect someone, or spare their feelings?  To many, this isn't a yes or no answer.  Some, would argue until they are blue in the face that a little white lie is perfectly acceptable if it prevents hurt feelings.  I, do not agree.
     I am guilty of being brutally honest, and yes, in the past I have hurt people, because I spoke the truth.  I don't think there is a reason for being brutal, but I do think the truth is the best option.  I always look at the alternative, what if the truth is revealed, after a lie has been told?
     I have been on both sides of this scenario, and I can attest that neither is pleasant.  At that point, a line has been crossed, and, it makes it difficult to recover from the feeling of being betrayed.
     This past weekend, I was lied to by someone I am supposed to trust.  The reason?  To protect me, the situation, this person, all of the afore mentioned?  Who knows, the point is, after the lie came to light, I felt like I had the proverbial rug pulled out from under my feet.  A feeling of being punched in my gut, struggling to catch my breath.
     Even after knowing why, I still am having a hard time getting past it.  Trust is a very important thing to me, and if I can't trust someone, where does that leave our future conversations?  Relegated to talking about the weather?   What's the point?
     I will get past this, I always do, it will take time, and forgiveness, both, of which I am willing to give to allow healing.
     Honesty really is the best policy, as far as I'm concerned.  Others, think an untruth is perfectly fine if a situation warrants it, others do not.
     Lying, has consequences, so does telling the truth.  I guess the only question left remaining is "Are you willing to take the chance to breech someone's trust, just to spare their feelings?  Spare now or spare later?"  That, my friends is something only you can answer.



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