Happiness...It's In You To Give

     Happiness, where do you find it?  It can't be bought, or given away, it's already inside you.
      I'm tired of hearing so many people say how unhappy they are.   I am a Polyanna by nature.  Polyanna, was a fictional little girl from the book titled the same, written by Eleanor H. Porter.  Polyanna was known for her optimism and happy nature.  I, am the same way.
     That's not to say, I don't have my own down moments, or days, I do.   That, is life, however, our bodies were meant to bend and move, so we need to brush our selves off, and carry on.  Sometimes, it's just one step at a time, sometimes it's minute by minute,  regardless, we need to keep going, stop looking at what we don't have, and look at what we do have.
     Happiness is defined as the state of being happy, pleasure, contentment and pleasure.  It's a state, being content, finding pleasure in yourself.   We need to be responsible for our own happiness.  We can't look to someone, or something else, we need to look within ourself to find it.  Happiness isnt a mirage, a fantasy, and it's not a destination, it's a daily journey we all must take.  Occasionally,  we get a shortcut, and when that happens, it's a little extra we are blessed with to get us through the lean days.
     Finding that state of contentment can be a real struggle for some.  Depression can be debilitating, I know.  For those fighting to find their happy place, it's an everyday battle.  Depression is different than just simply not being happy.  Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
     Discontentment, is a choice.  We just need to be grateful for what we have...eyes to see, ears to hear, legs that can walk, a heart that beats, lungs that breathe, a brain that keeps everything functioning.  Indoor plumbing!   That is huge for me, I am happy that I don't have to run through the cold and snow to pee!
     Hearing a child laugh, petting an animal, saying "I love you" to a special someone.  We all have our special triggers in life that bring us solace and pleasure.  Unfortunately, we aren't always happy.  Life is full of ups and downs, sadness, and happiness.  We all process stress in different ways, but we have to learn to deal with it in order to survive.   Things can always be worse.
     We know a young man who is twenty three, and in stage four cancer.  You would never know it to talk with him.  He is inspiring, optimistic, and totally happy with himself.   Even though he is sick, he refuses to look at the negative.  I am awed and inspired by his attitude of life.
     We all have troubles and sad days, it's inevitable.  Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us, or, are we entitled to be always be happy.  Happiness is up to you.  Find what brings you joy, hold it, remember it, and keep it in your heart.  Happiness, it's in you to give!



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