Opinions, Everyone has One!

     I have been accused of forming an opinion without having all of the details, as well as not going to the source (that person) in the form of a letter.  After reading it 5 times I could completely understand why this individual would think this.
     It's funny, not in a laughing kind of way but more of a conundrum really.  Anyone who KNOWS me, knows I would rather chew glass than see someone hurt, but to hurt someone purposely, well that just is NOT me.   I am not malicious, rude or mean natured.
     I think we jump to conclusions far too quickly, and yes I have been guilty of this as well.  Everyone has a story unfolding that nobody else even understands.  That old saying  "Walk a mile in someone else's shoes" is an exercise we should all be made to do.
     I have seen things in my life and wondered how people cope and not totally fall apart.  Unselfish, loving, compassion for other people is both beautiful and loving.
       I have witnessed this personally in my own life.  The level of love I saw between my oldest brother and his daughter was what poetry is all about.  When my niece passed away it was like a runaway train!  The pain that I could see not just on my brothers face but in his whole posture spoke volumes without ever saying a word.  In situations like this, there is nothing to say.  No words, only love and even love doesn't diminish the brokenness.   My brother gave a beautiful eulogy and he said  "She was the sun and we were the planets".  That was his sincere feelings and I know that he has not recovered still.
     How do you reach out when someone is in such pain?  You just keep trying.  Somewhere in their pain, they know they are not alone but it takes time to go through the whole grieving process.  There is no set time, however there are 2 directions a hurting person can go, towards the dark or towards the light.
     The loss of a loved one is an experience you never fully recover from.  You learn to live without them, they are never forgotten and in time, tears turn into smiles at the sweet memories.
     Sometimes hurting people lash out at others because they don't know how to cope.  They can be verbal, physical, or be passive aggressive and just pretend you don't exist.  This is difficult for the ones trying to be supportive.
     Everyone goes through loss differently, but grief is never an excuse to say or do unkind things to the ones who love them.  Ultimately, all that will accomplish is to push the people who love you most far away.
     So, back to my first thought, I have given this person a lot of thought and I feel terrible that they were hurt, but they too have not had all of the information to base their opinion as well.
     As for my thoughts on here, this is MY blog, not social media.  I will be addressing this person in private later today, but in the interim this is my own private space.
      To anyone hurting from a loss, whether a death, or family or friend imposed, know that you are not alone and there are people who care and love you.
     Have a great day and remember to be kind.


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