Good Night Julie Andrews!

     Do you remember going to bed when you were a child?  Echoes of  "I'm not tired "rang throughout the neighborhood as children made their way to bed grumbling all the way.  I can remember climbing into bed, and saying my prayers with my mom, a good night kiss and one final attempt at convincing her I wasn't tired.  Of course within 5 minutes I was fast asleep.  Sleep has never been as sweet and uninterrupted  as it was when I was a child.  Now, I look forward to going to bed at night!  I am sure I can hear echoes of middle aged adults whining in unison "I'm so tired"!  After my night time routine and prayers, I situate myself in my bed.  Fluff my pillow, pull the blankets up, uncover my feet, making sure they aren't hanging off the bed to entice the monster that lives under my bed and I close my eyes.   My body is screaming I am tired
but my brain says "Fooled you" and immediately shifts into full throttle!  The same brain that at least 5 times a day doesn't remember what I was about to do, like going into a room to do something but I can't remember for the life of me what it was.  So, as I lay in my bed, I shift positions,  maybe I can try singing myself to sleep.  I imagine I am Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music when she is singing to her charges during the thunderstorm.  You know the song My Favourite Things?  I am singing my own song.  Same tune, but I have changed the lyrics.

Tucked in my bed, and blankets so cozy.
Pillows fragranced with the scent of lavender posey.
Laying in bed I start to count sheep,
I pray as I'm counting "Lord please let me sleep"!

Curtains all fluttering with the night breeze,
These nights with no sleep have brought me to my knees!
Throwing my blankets off of the bed,
Why oh why can't I get these thoughts from my head?

My cats curled beside me, purring away.
I'm trying to let go of the thoughts from my day!
Changing positions, I shift once again.
Maybe I should get up and swig back some gin!

When my head hurts,
When I need my sleep.
I try to forget my slumberless night,
And then I begin to weep!

Trying and trying, this sleep does escape me!
Taunting and teasing and chasing these Zzzzz's.
Throwing my pillow and hitting the wall!
I begin to make shadow animals by the light in the hall.

I'm waiting for Sandman, oh where can he be?
Oh great!  With all of this tossing, I now have to pee!
I get out of bed about to pull out my hair!
Five minutes later, I'm asleep in my chair.

When my head hurts,
When I need my sleep.
I try to forget my slumberless night,
And then I begin to weep!
Sweet slumber my friends!


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