Kids Say the Darndest Things

     I can remember as a child, eating breakfast at our kitchen table, and my mom always had the radio on.  We would listen to music, news and the weather, and my parents would talk and allow us to chit chat, up until we heard Art Linkletter, Kids say the darndest things program begin.  We all had to shush, and listen.  I can remember my parents sometimes laughing so hard while listening to the responses from these young children, tears would be running down their face.  I, of course, didn't find it as amusing as they did.
     It seems Mr Linkletter was on to something, because kids do say the darndest things!
     My daughter started a new job 2 weeks ago, so I look after my grandchildren.   I am happy to do it and they enjoy their babysitter.  Yesterday, my granddaughter had been playing with her brother, she will be 5 in Septemper, and my grandson is 18 months old.  They were rolling on the floor, giggling.  My granddaughter, sat up and decided she didn't want to roll around anymore.  My grandson became upset and was attempting to pull her back onto the floor to continue the fun.  My grandson is a sweater, and during his futile attempt at pulling his sister onto the floor, he began to sweat and became agitated.  My granddaughter,  touched his back and said "Eew, grandma, he is all sweaty"!  He has stress sweat!  He needs to use Degree antiperspirant"!  Laughing, I assured her he was perfectly normal, but thought to myself that ad campaign certainly wasn't lost on my granddaughter.
     Later in the morning, my grandson was getting into the dvd's.  He thinks this is great fun.  So, I picked him up, and in a stern voice said "No"! and put him on the couch for a minute timeout.   He, of course objected and was wiggling and trying to get off the couch.  I stood there and pointed to him and once again said "No, you have to sit there for a few more seconds.   You can't touch things that don't belong to you".  I sat him back up there, he stuck his little lip out and I thought he was going to cry.   My granddaughter looked at her little brother, and gently touching him on his shoulder asked him "What do you say to grandma"?  She thought he would say he was sorry, but instead of apologizing, he looked at me with the sweetest face and sincerely said "Thank you"!  Kids say the darndest things.
     I have babysat children a lot over the years, and I have loved each one!  Each child had their own distinct personality.  There were many times they made me roar with their hilarious anecdotes.
     One of the little boys, I had watched over the years was one of my favorites.  He was tiny for his age, and what he lacked in stature he made up for in ingenuity.   It was a very hot day, his brothers and G had arrived home from school.  I had already left for the day, but both of G's parents were home.  G and his friend wanted some ice cream but neither had any money to buy some.  G, decided they should set up a lemonade stand to raise enough money to buy 2 icecream cones.  They made up a batch of lemonade, wrote a sign, Lemonade for sale 5 cents a glass.  They sat there and car after car drove past, without stopping.   G, decided he would ask the drivers of the cars, as they stopped at the Stop sign, why they weren't buying his wares.  One man told him he didn't like lemonade.  G, being a savy business man, asked him what he would  buy.  The man, told him beer, he would definitely buy beer.  So, G told his friend,  "Change of plans, go to your garage, and grab your dad's cooler".  His little friend did what he was told.  Meanwhile, G pulled out the wagon, and put the cooler into the wagon, and then proceeded to fill the cooler with 24 bottles of Bud Light!  They turned their lemonade sign over and printed Beer for sale 5 cents a bottle!
     When I arrived at G's house the next morning,  he was sitting at the kitchen table, scowling,  arms crossed against his chest.  I asked him what was wrong and G proceeded to explain the previous afternoons events.  I, of course was smiling, how could I not?  Both of his parents were home at the time and neither noticed what he was doing.  "The worst thing", G said, "We sold out and we have orders for today!  And, we made $1.20 yesterday.  I gave Jakes his cut and I was so excited I came in and told my dad.  He said Uhuh G, that's nice.  Then he said you sold my beer G?  Yes dad".  Oh my I thought.   G was very despondent and told me his dad wasn't talking to him right now.  I asked him why he thought his dad was angry.  G looked at me with big eyes and said "I don't know, I told him I would give him half"!  In his innocence, he was sincere.  Misinformed little retribrute that he was!
     Children look at the world and circumstances in simple terms.  They see thing in black and white.  While doing this, they steal our hearts and make us laugh.
     As my daughter came home, my granddaughter was running around the living room.   She ran over to me,  made a funny face and waved her hand in front of her nose and said "Pee ew I stink, mommy is going to have to Febreze me tonight"!  Kids really do say the darndest things!


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