Stephen King Couldn't Write This Stuff!

     Since this past weekend, I have been suffering with a horrible cold.  Headache,  sore throat,  dry cough, and let's not forget the runny nose.   It's really lovely waking up to find your face encrusted to your pillow, courtesy of a nose that just won't shut off.
     It seems my nose is not the only thing  leaking in my home.  My husband came to bed, long after I did, last night, informing me that our main sewer pipe has a leak.  This pipe is the waste pipe, which transports all of our waste water from our kitchen, bathroom sink, and shower, as well the toilet.   Bad, bad pipe to be leaking.
     He told me, try not to flush the toilet, and the only safe sink to use is the one in the laundry room.  Don't use the toilet?
     That directive, is like telling me not to breathe.   From the time I was a child, as soon as my mom told me to go, because we were going for a long ride in the car, I couldn't.  It wasn't from a lack of trying,  I tried.   We would be on our way, 30 minutes into the ride, and sure enough I would feel the tingle.  My bladder is a fickle, stubborn beast.   So, my husband telling me not to use the bathroom, at all, almost threw me into a full blown panic attack.  All of a sudden,  I felt the urge to pee, and have a shower.
     I couldn't go back to sleep now, I Googled our plumbing problem, and I thought my head was going to spin around.  Forums, all with the same problem, asking the same question,  "Can we repair it ourself?" Or "How much will a plumber charge me?"  I quickly realized how bad this was.
     I went downstairs and looked at the offending pipe.  I had no idea what I was looking for, but I could see the top of the pipe was green and corroded.  I touched it, "Yeuch!"  It was oozing and the pipe felt spongy.  I wasn't a plumber, but I did know this wasn't right.  This was way past my glue gun expertise.
     After going back upstairs, and upon further investigation,  I discovered this is a nightmare.   I read real life horror stories about pipes collapsing, and raw sewage spewing everywhere.   Stephen King, couldn't write this stuff!
     It is Halloween,  weird scary things are expected but, I am not a fan of this day.   I hope your day is not as scary as mine.



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