Perpetrating Guilt

     There was a shooting this past weekend, where six people were killed, while worshipping in their mosque.  It happened in Quebec City, Quebec.
    Everyone was quick to jump on the bandwagon, screaming about anti-Muslim hate groups, crazy Trump supporters, or any other hate group that the media could lump into the terror group.  First reports stated a young Christian, male, from Quebec was responsible.  Just because he didn't have a Muslim name, and has an Anglo-Saxon name does not make him a Christian!  I am a Christian, and I take great offence to this statement.
     The media is responsible for stirring up all of this hatred.  Pitting one religion against another.
     Our prime minister continues to invite refugees to our country.  We as a country are supposed to welcome all of them with open arms.  I think it's disturbing that none of them need to be vetted, before entering our country.  We, as tax payers are now paying for housing, food, benefits, and health care.  Our country has its own poor, and veterans that should be taken care of first.
      A recent survey by National News, stated that thirteen percent financially and mentally support Isis!  When interviewed via a translator, the majority of these refugees living in our country have no intention of integrating into Canadian society.   In other words, they will continue to practise their radical Islamic beliefs, including Sharia law.  Our country sent young men and women to fight for our freedom, to avoid such violence.  So why is our prime minister so intent on letting so many people into our country who don't share our love of country, or values?
     When other middle eastern countries refuse these refugees due to suspicious terrorist connections, we should take notice.
     My heart goes out to the victims and their families of this shooting, it's a terrible thing.  However, it isn't any worse than any other mass shooting.  Victims are victims.  Apologising to a group of people because someone went into a mosque and killed people is ludicrous!
     I don't recall any other religious groups apologising to the victims of other shootings.  When I hear "I am ashamed to be a Canadian today."  Because of the shooting in Quebec City, I want to explode!  Unless you are the shooter, don't apologise!  Compassionate yes, apologetic no!
     Everybody has a right to worship how they want, as long as they are quiet, kind and considerate of others.  There are always going to be people who want their fifteen minutes of fame, who take a gun and start shooting people.  It's a reality now, unfortunately.
     I need to apologise for my soapbox rant today.  I'm tired of listening to all of the nonsense and propaganda perpetrated by the media.  Mostly, I'm tired of being made to feel guilty for something I'm not responsible for.


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